Most digital I/O boards can not be directly interfaced to real world devices. Output voltages are usually limited to TTL levels (0/5 Vdc) with a few milliamps of drive current. Inputs are also typically limited to a maximum 5 volt level. When higher voltages or currents are needed, OMEGA's solid state I/O modules are the perfect solution. Models are available for input or output signals in AC and DC voltage versions. The SSR-RACK series is a family of backplanes that accept the solid state I/O modules and provide a direct connection to OMEGA's CIO family of digital I/O PC plug-in boards. Three models are available; the SSR-RACK48, SSR-RACK24 and SSR-RACK08 which are 48, 24 and 8 channel models respectively.
The SSR-RACK48 is a high density mounting and interface rack for the quad type solid state I/O modules (OMEGA's SSS-Q series). The rack can hold 12 quad modules for a total of 48 channels of I/O. The SSR-RACK48 provides screw terminals for field connections. The connection to the digital I/O board is made through a 50 pin connector. The SSR-RACK48 may be connected directly to the CIO-DIO192, CIO-DIO96 and
CIO-DIO48 using a C50FF-2 cable.
The SSR-RACK24 accepts 24 of OMEGA's single channel SSS series solid state I/O modules. Screw terminals for each module provide field connection. The SSR-RACK24 contains both a 37 pin and a 50 pin connector. The 37 pin connector is designed to nterface to 24 channel I/O boards. The 50 pin connector is used to connect to I/O boards with 48 channels or greater. A second 50 pin connector is provided so additional SSR-RACK24s may be connected to the same digital I/O board.
The SSR-RACK24 may be connected directly to the CIO-DIO24, CIO-DIO24H and CIO-DIO24/CTR3 digital I/O boards using the C37FF-2 cable. The SSR-RACK24 may be directly connected to the CIO-DIO192, CIO-DIO96 and the CIO-DIO48 boards using the C50FF-2 cable.
If your application needs only a limited number of solid I/O modules, you can save money and cabinet space with the SSR-RACK08. It holds 8 single function solid state relays and is cabled to Port C of the digital I/O board so that you can split the 8 relays between input and output. The SSR-RACK08 uses a 37 pin connector and can connect directly to a CIO-DIO24, CIO-DIO24H or
CIO-DIO24/CTR3 with a C37FF-2 cable.
SSR-RACKs Have Buffers on Board
Most 8255 based digital I/O boards do not provide enough output current to directly turn on a solid state I/O module. The SSR-RACKs are designed with buffers on board. That means you can plug directly into the SSR-RACK from your CIO-DIO24, 48, 96 or 192 or any other 82C55 based digital I/O board.
SSR-RACK Inverting Logic
The SSR-RACK follows the industry standard convention of inverted logic used by virtually all manufacturers of solid state backplanes. When a high voltage is applied to an input module,
the output of the SSR-RACK will go low
(ground). When a low voltage is applied
to an input module, the output of the SSR-RACK will be a high signal (5V).
Output modules also use inverted logic. This means that a 0 output from the digital I/O board will cause an output module to activate (complete the circuit) while a 1 (TTL high) will cause the relay to deactivate. The chips that invert the logic are socketed and may easily be substituted with chips that do not invert the logic.
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